reverberate joy.

Haley Schokking is a luminary in the realms of yoga, sound, and ceremony…

As the founder of Haley Gaia, Heal Yourself then Heal the Earth (HYTHE), and an RYT500. She casts a transformative spell through her sacred offerings across the world that seamlessly blend mind, body, spirit. 

Rooted in the wisdom passed down from her mother, an energy healer, Haley discovered many forms of spiritual medicine in her upbringing. These pivotal moments ignited a lifelong commitment to divine learning and exploration. Certified in Sound Healing, Kundalini Breathwork, Trauma-Informed Yoga, Holistic and Therapeutic Yoga, and Eastern Meditation, Haley radiates a joyous yet grounding aura that naturally sparks a light in the souls around her.

Haley’s approach to healing is cyclical; she believes that by helping people heal themselves, the earth becomes more kind, connected, and beautiful. In 2023, she founded Heal Yourself then Heal the Earth (HYTHE), a non-profit organization offering accessible, pay-what-you-can healing services. HYTHE's proceeds support the preservation of old-growth forests in British Columbia, embodying Haley's belief in the reciprocity of personal and planetary well-being. 

Through Haley’s ceremonial approach to yoga, she is passionate about sharing philosophy, creative sequencing, and theme weaving. In her free time, Haley extends her passion beyond yoga into writing, hiking, and communing with nature. As a published poet, Haley loves to themeweave philosophical topics into her classes, bringing a poetic depth to her teaching. 

Haley is primarily based in Montreal, sharing her love of yoga and also teaches international retreats. She hosts group classes, monthly workshops, non-profit events, private sessions, retreats, rituals and ceremonies. Embodying the philosophy that all is love, Haley invites you to join her on a transformative journey toward holistic well-being and reconnection to earth medicine.

  • Everything in the universe is made of light and sound. As vibrational beings, humans are deeply impacted by sound waves and frequencies. Sound healing is a form of vibrational medicine in which sacred instruments are played around and or on the body. The effects are physical, energetic, and spiritual. Sound healing is a beautiful way to treat

    • insomnia

    • anxiety

    • depression

    • aches and pains

    • high blood pressure

    • chakra imbalances

    • stagnant energy/aura

    and so much more. Clients come to Haley for a variety of reasons. She tailors each session to the individual in front of her.

  • Ceremony is a chance to step into a suspended reality in which intentions can be manifested, energy cleared, and awakening brought forth. Ceremony can occur in any moment using only intention.

    Having hosted workshops, retreats, events, and more, Haley is well verse in the creation of sacred space.

  • The word yoga traditionally means union. Union with breath, body, spirit, everything, and nothing. Haley teaches a 360 version of yoga in which the practice goes far beyond asana (postures). However, she offers many asana styles including,

    Therapeutic Yoga

    Hatha Yoga

    Vinyasa Yoga

    Yin Yoga

    Restorative Yoga

    Yinyasa Yoga

    Power Yoga

    As a 500h Registered Yoga Teacher, Haley is trained to look at individual bodies and determine what postures and alignment cues are best suited to your unique needs. She is also trained in hands-on-assists and uses gentle, feel-good touch to help expand her clients practice whether that be in group or private sessions.